If you’d rather tweet than write…

Ever feel like you want to write, but you just can’t get started? Of course, you do… We all do.

You’ll find comfort among writing groups on twitter. Here are a few you can follow for weekly inspiration:


  1. #tuesdayserial: If Dickens can do it, why not you? Here you’ll find a chat where writers can share their serial work and to follow the stories written by others.
  2. #storyfriday: Join in this chat every Friday to share excerpts from your work and to see what other writers are cooking up. It can be a fun exercise for both avid readers and writers alike.
  3. #ScreenwritingSaturday: Every Saturday, screenwriters come together to talk about their unfinished works, the business, and other topics of interest. For more information, screenwriting buffs can contact the moderator of the group at @UncompletedWork.
  4. #WNW: WNW is short for Wednesday Night Writer, which is a fantasy and fiction discussion group held on, you guessed it, Wednesday nights.
  5. #fictionfriday: Spend your Friday sharing your short stories through Twitter when you join in this chat.
  6. #fridayflash: Boost your quick writing skills with this Friday chat, where writers can post or write flash fiction to share with others.

Thanks to OnlineCollege.org. You can explore their full list here.

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